
Data Moving Plug-in Features

The Data Moving plug-in is a complete set of out-of-the-box controls for Asp.Net Mvc, working on both desktop and mobile devices. It contains 4 types of grids, a  client side TreeView/TreeGrid, a Menu, Pagers, a Dual Select, Html helpers to display links, images, text, Typed TextBoxes, Html5 inputs, etc…, and several facilities for building both usual Web Sites/Applications and Single Page Applications. Below Its main features:

  1. Support of all main styling frameworks: jquery ui, jquery mobile and Bootstrap. All frameworks may be customized by adding further Css classes and used with both desktop and mobile devices.  More on styling.
  2. Both Server-side controls and Clientt-side Controls. Client side controls are based on enhancements of the knockout.js library. More on Client-Side and Server-side Controls.
  3. Interaction primitives that enable the user to manipulate and transform data by dragging and moving UI elements in a simple and intuitive way. More on the Interaction Primitives
  4. All Items Controls support, post-based, ajax-based and json-based server updates with sophisticated client side and server side validation errors handling and with changes tracking/undo capabilities. More on Validation. More on Client-Server Synchronization.
  5. The appearance and behavior of all controls may be specified easily with a fluent interface. All settings specified through the fluent interface may be stored in control and row prototypes in order to be re-used several times in the same project or in different projects. All Item controls are based on three templates: Overall template, row template, and column template. Several standard templates are included, but the user may provide also his own custom templates. Templates may be defined easily with Razor Helpers, in-line Razor Helpers, and Partial Views. More on Templates.
  6. All items controls may be enhanced with sorting, filtering, and paging capabilities based on several techniques by providing a few configuration information in the fluent interface. More on Queries.
  7. Available a form control with a an undo/redo stack to be used either as stand alone control or as a detail window for items controls. More on Forms
  8. TreeIterator helper to build views dynamically in MVVM based Single Page applications. More on TreeIterator and nested templates.
  9. Powerfull interface and knockout bindings for jqPlot
  10. Enhancementts for tinyMce, and redactor, namely: knockout bindings, and an extension that adds document templates processing capabilities.