Grids, and TreeViews/TreeGrids may be enhanced with sorting, filtering, and paging capabilities. It is enough to declare the use of a retrievalManager in their fluent interfaces, to add a pager column in some toolbar, and to declare the columns to be sorted and filtered:
.CreateStandardQueryResolver(Model.PreviousQuery) //pass initial query
.StartODataRetrievalManager(false, //model already filled with data
"GridExample.QueryModel.RM", //put retrievalManager here
(uint)Model.PreviousQuery.PageSize, //default page size
actionUrl: Url.HttpRouteUrl("DefaultApi", //controller Url
new { httproute = "", controller = "GridsDemoApi" }))
.StartColumn(t => t.Name, width: 38, widthIsPercentage: true)
.Queries(true, true).EndColumn()
A standard User Interface for defining filtering criteria is automatically added when the control is connected to a detail Form:
.DetailFilterBuilder(out detailBuilder, ...)
retrievalManagers are javascript objects that handle queries against data sources. User may also manipulate them directly from javascript code , and may customize them with new operations. The whole state of a retrievalManager may be saved and restored in order to undo/redo a query operation and/or to connect queries to the Back/Forward Browser buttons. There are basically four types of retrievalManagers:
- Submit based. When the user changes someway the “current query”, for instance, by changing a filter condition, or by changing page, a dynamic form is created, filled with adequate input fields that specify all query information, and submitted. The Action Method receives a QueryViewModel object that may be applied to any IQueryable, or IEnumerable. This retrievalManager is the only one that can be used with Server Controls.
- Ajax based. When the user changes someway the “current query”, for instance by changing a filter condition, or by changing page, an ajax post with the query information is issued to the server. The Action Method receives a QueryViewModel object that can be applied to any IQueryable, or IEnumerable. The Action method is expected to return json data.
- WebApi based. When the user changes someway the “current query”, for instance by changing a filter condition, or by changing page, an oData query is issued to a WebApi controller.
- Javascript retrievalManager. It queries a local javascript array.
All retrievalManagers that operate with remote data sources have the option to cache data.