

The main purpose of  pagers is to furnish paging facilities to  Items Controls (Grids, TreeViews). It is enough to add a Pager Column to a toolbar in a Queries enabled Items Control, to have your data items paged.  Pager Columns require the name of a Pager prototype that the developer must define with the pager helper and with the associated fluent interface. Pager may also be used as stand-alone controls if one needs to page items that are not displayed within an Items Control.

The Data Moving Plug-in pager offers next/prev buttons, first/last buttons, clickable page numbers, "Go to page"  textbox and a textbox to choose the page size. The developer may selects which of the available facilities to render with the pager fluent interface. Below an example of pager:


All parts are arranged according one of two pre-defined Overall Templates: a <div style="display: table...>  based template and a float based template. The developer may also provide easily a custom Overall Template.

The pager is automatically bound to client side ViewModel when it is rendered with a Client Helper, otherwise it stores page and page size (and optionally also the previous page) in hidden fields that can submitted to the server.

The pager maybe configured to cause a page submit when the page is changed, or to trigger an event. When it is part of a Pager Column it triggers events that are intercepted by the Items Control retrievalManager. The pager has also a javascript interface to read/set the selected page.